The Temenggong is willing to talk business and two days later, a draft treaty was signed. You are elated and ask for the Union Jack to be hoisted as a symbol of British presence.

It is not a done deal. The Temenggong is under the authority of the Sultan of Johor. His name is Abdul Rahman and he is an ally with the Dutch. He would never approve the deal.

Abdul Rahman's elder brother Sultan Hussein is living in Riau.

There is a succession dispute between the two brothers for the Sultanship of Johor. Sultan Hussein was the Crown Prince of Johor.

While Sultan Hussein was in Pahang to be married, his father had died. Abdul Rahman, with the support of some court officials and the Dutch, became the Sultan!

Who is the rightful Sultan of Johor?

One of your advisors suggest that you exploit this succession dispute.

As a British gentleman, you would never resort to exploiting a dispute between two brothers

As a loyal subject of the King, you do what you need to do for the glory of Great Britain and His Majesty