Economic impact of Stalin's dictatorship

  • Collectivization: Stalin forced peasants to give up their small farms and join large, state-controlled collective farms (kolkhozes) to increase agricultural efficiency.
  • State Ownership: The state seized control of all land, redistributing resources and centralizing agricultural production.
  • Elimination of Kulaks: Wealthier peasants, or kulaks, who opposed collectivization, were targeted, deported, or executed, reducing opposition.
  • Industrialization Plans: Launched ambitious Five-Year Plans to rapidly industrialize the Soviet economy, focusing on heavy industry, infrastructure, and military production.
  • Labor Camps: Used forced labor from Gulag camps to build massive infrastructure projects like canals, railways, and factories.
  • Quotas and Targets: Set high production targets for factories and farms, with severe penalties for failing to meet them.
  • Urbanization: Encouraged mass migration from rural areas to cities to work in new factories, increasing urban population and industrial workforce.
  • Technological Advancements: Imported foreign technology and expertise to modernize industries and improve productivity.
  • Propaganda: Promoted industrial achievements through state propaganda, motivating workers and showcasing progress.

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