Seeds of Peace

This cartoon was published in '''Kladderadatsch'' magazine (artist: Arthur Johnson) in March 1936, The caption reads: 'The seeds of peace, not dragon's teeth!'' Based on my contextual knowledge, the Treaty of Versailles had banned Germany from having a military presence in the Rhineland. However, Hitler defied this clause in the Treaty and sent troops to the Rhineland on 7 March 1936 when he ordered 20,000 troops t0 cautiously march into the Rhineland. The audience of this illustration are the Germans and Hitler is depicted as a man sowing the seeds of peace.

The poster's purpose is to convince the German readers that Hitler is a man of peace and that his actions in the Rhineland would lead to peace for Germany and for Europe. The desired outcome of this source is for Germans to support Hitler and the remilitarisation of the Rhineland.