'Japan's attack in Pearl Harbour was a failure.' How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer. (Student's answer)

I disagree with this statement ‘Japan’s attack in Pearl Harbour was a failure,’ to a small extent. As Japan needed to get rid of Pearl Harbour before starting to expand to Southeast Asian counties for supplies and resources to operate their machineries. If however, Japan were to not attack Pearl Harbour and went straight to expand to Southeast Asia, the troops of Pearl Harbour would have retaliated and fought back with the Southeast Asia. However, I agree with this statement ‘Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbour’ to a large extent. If Japan were to not attack Pearl Harbour, the USA would not have to immediately manufactured weapons and sent troops to fight against the Japanese . When Japan attacked Pearl Harbour they took a gamble that the Germany war that the USA (?) had to fight two wars at the same time. USA being sick of the war, decided they dropped an atomic bomb on two Japanese cities Nagasaki and Hiroshima, killing 70,000 Japanese lives in the process. Therefore if Japan had not attacked Pearl Harbour, USA would not have to resort to such force.