
Diet: Parliament

Bushido: Warrior or samurai. The Bushido code became a national ideology for Japan

Constitutional monarchy: A system of government in which the monarch had to obey a constitution and is bound to follow the law.

Daimyo: Powerful lords who ruled over a particular area. 

Fukoku Kyohei: Principle which directed Japan's policy from the Meiji period onwards. It means "Enrich the Country, Strengthen the Army".

Hirohito: Emperor of Japan from 1926 - 1989

May 15 incident:  An attempted coup on May 15, 1932 in the Empire of Japan. Prime Minister Inukai Tsuyoshi was assassinated by eleven naval officers.

Meiji: In 1868, the shogun lost power and the Meiji Emperor took over. This period lasted from 1868 to 1912.

Mukden incident: A false flag incident in 1931 staged by Japanese soldiers to find a pretext for attacking Manchuaria.

Nihon gunkoku shugi: The belief that militarism should dominate social and political life in the Empire of Japan.

Rice Riots of 1918: Caused by the surge in rice prices. Many citizens rebelled against the government.

Shogun: The Military leader of Japan from the 12th century to the 19th century

Shogunate: Government led by a shogun.

Showa Financial Crisis: A financial crisis in 1927. 

Yoshihito: Emperor of Japan from 1879 - 1926 

Zaibatsu: Business conglomerates in the Empire of Japan.