Cold War (Origins and Development in Europe)

Excuse Me While I Reach

Marshall Plan in practice

Ruler and Compass

Text of Speech Delivered by A.Y. Vyshinsky at the General Assembly of the United Nations, September 18, 1947

Cold War (Cuban Missile Crisis)


Cold War (Asia: Korean War)

Annihilate the American aggressors

Korean War, 1950-1953

Korean War Named Psyop Campaigns

Stalin's Telegram To Mao Zedong

We Were Right All Along

Cold War (Asia: Vietnam War)


How is the Vietnam War taught in your schools

'The Vietnam War was a war of independence.' How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer.

Cold War (End)

Where to?

Inside Gorbachev's USSR (1990)

Gorbachev Interview (1993)Militarist Japan

"Domestic tensions was the most powerful factor in influencing Japan's decision-making processes during the 1930s." How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer.


Japanese Military Art

Japanese Militarism - Blood on the Railway

The Last Emperor - Asia belongs to us

‘Little Citizens’ and ‘Star Pupils’: Military Middle Schools in Wartime Japan

Portrait of Puyi and Flag of Manchukuo, from a series commemorating the Enthronement of the Emperor of Manchukuo

YouTube Videos On Militarist Japan

Nazi Germany

An American journalist's account of the Nuremberg rally

The cartoonist who infuriated the Hitler and the British government tried to muzzle

Creating A Demigod Nazi Art, Adolf Hitler, and the Cult of Personality

David Low and the Dictators

‘Hitler rose to power in Germany in 1933 because the people in Germany supported him. How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer’.

Honour and Freedom

Juden Raus! board game 

The Meaning of the Hitler Salute: Little Man Asks for Big Gifts by John Heartfield ,October 1932

Propaganda and the Nazi rise to power

Sick Man of the West

You are Adolf Hitler

Singapore History 

Business Deal in London

Caricatures of Lee Kuan Yew - Radical Chinese Cartoons in Political Magazines

First National Day Parade

Great Expectations: an Account of Singapore's Merger with Malaysia

Lee Kuan Yew on multiracialism and having a long-term view of Singapore's future

Lee Kuan Yew on Singapore's separation from Malaysia in 1965

Marching In The Rain

National Service: a Waste of time?

National service ordinance (call up notice)

1964 Race Riots

Once in Our Life, Two Years of Our Time

Singapore integration referendum

"Singapore, My Singapore" Documentary 1960s - 1970s

When Harry Visits The Villages

Who was to be blamed for the Maria Hertogh Riot?

You are Lily, a twenty-year old primary school teacher in Singapore.

You are Sir Stamford Raffles

Stalinist Russia

The Five-Year Plan in Four Years (Piatiletka v chetyri goda)

Stalin's Cult of Personality

Stalin's horrible binge-drinking parties

War in Asia Pacific

Explain why the Japanese attacked the Asia Pacific region in 1941. (Student's answer)

'Japan's attack in Pearl Harbour was a failure.' How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer. (Student's answer)

War in Europe

Cartoon published in London Illustrated News, September 1938

Chamberlain confronts Mars


Pax Germanica Goose

Seeds of Peace

'Germany was defeated in World War II because of the involvement of USSR.' HFDYAWTS? EYA.

WW2 Appeasement - Cartoon Analysis (Chamberlain Vs Mars)

You are Neville Chamberlain